8 Tips to avoid neck pain

8 Tips to avoid neck pain

by | Aug 18, 2016

Many of us experience stiffness or neck pain every now and then, usually after an awkward movement or after having slept in an odd position. Neck pain coming from the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) is very common and is also one of the major causes of headaches.

Follow these 8 tips to protect your neck from injury:


  1. Avoid neck strain from texting

Spending too much time looking down at your mobile device and other wireless devices places extra tension on your neck. Over time, the added stress slowly damages the supporting structures of the neck – muscle, joints and ligaments and can cause early degeneration and spinal disc compression. Tips to avoid ‘text neck’ include raising the phone or mobile device to eye level, minimizing texting time, resting your hands and device on a pillow, and taking frequent breaks from prolonged periods of looking at a screen.



  1. Adjust the Computer Screen at eye level

Adjust the monitor so the top of the screen is at eye level. This way you won’t be looking down or up for long periods of time. Sustained unsuitable posture could cause pain and discomfort in your neck. Tips: You can use books or folders to elevate your screen to eye level or if use a laptop you can connect it to a monitor.


  1. Use of headphones and headsets

If you find yourself tucking the phone between your shoulder and ear then you are compressing constantly one side of your cervical spine (neck). Tip: Make use of headsets instead.


  1. Practice good posture

Forward head posture (FHP) is the commonest cause of poor posture that contributes to neck pain. FHP puts excessive strain on the joints, ligaments, and discs in your neck and can lead to premature degenerative changes. Tips: Avoid slouching, or a head-forward posture when sitting and standing. Be sure your shoulders are in a straight line over your hips and your ears are directly over your shoulders



  1. Sleep in a good position

Try sleeping on your back as this enables the entire spine to relax. People with neck problems find it helps to sleep on their back and place a pillow under each arm, with the idea that supporting each arm takes the strain off the neck.


  1. Use a suitable pillow

As a rule of thumb, your pillow should keep your neck aligned with your body. A pillow that is too thin can cause your head to reach for the pillow (i.e. your head would be in an inappropriate incline position). A pillow that is too thick can force your neck to bend toward a certain direction all night. Finding a suitable pillow is a matter of trial and error.


  1. Exercise and stretch

Keeping your body strong and functional means that it can serve you well when you need it. Strengthening your upper back and neck will help to maintain good posture and correct spinal alignment.


  1. Drink plenty of water

The discs which are located between your vertebrae in your neck mainly consist of water. Therefore, staying well hydrated is vital for their health. Dehydration of the discs reduces their flexibility and changes their position. This can lead to joint degeneration and nerve compression – two common causes of neck pain.


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