Tips to be more active

Tips to be more active

by | Oct 6, 2017

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Benjamin Franklin. Since being physically active cost nothing and offers significant health benefits why not be more active?

Below are some examples of how you can increase your physical activity during the day.

1. Walk everywhere – Walking is one of the easiest ways to get more activity into your day, lose weight and become healthier. Research shows people who fit moderate activity like walking into their daily life burn more energy than those who make weekly visits to the gym.


2. Cycle to work – Whether you’re cycling to work, school, the shops or just for fun, the humble bicycle is an easy way to get more active


3. Take the stairs – If you’re looking for an easy way to add more activity into your day, take the stairs. Stair climbing burns more calories per minute than jogging and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.


4. Getting off sooner – Get off the tube or bus a stop before your destination and walk. If you need to drive to work choose to park further away and walk. That’s an easy way to increase your total everyday steps.


5. Lunch break walks – Go for a 10 min stride at your lunch break. What a superb way to start your afternoon by adding some more steps.


6. Discuss while walking – Chat about ideas with friends and colleagues while walking.


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